Gift Wrap Triple Attack - 500 Fighting Words

500 Fighting Words About Why the Gift Wrap is One of the Deadliest positions in MMA

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500 Fighting Words is an ongoing series where we discuss one technique, fighter, or theme in 500 words, or less.

Gift Wrap - Overpowered Offense

At UFC Fight Night: Aspinall vs. Tybura Paul Craig attempted one of the most overpowered positions in grappling; the gift wrap. Gift wrap gives you a clean angle to hit your opponent while controlling their primary line of defense. Your opponent can turn to avoid damage, but, no matter which way you turn, they’ll run into a worse position.

The gift wrap is an overpowered big brother bullying position that carries minimal risk. More people need to see and use it in MMA.

You will see the gift wrap in top half and ¾, S, and full mount. To get the gift wrap, reach behind your opponent’s neck and grab their wrist. This leaves your other arm free to hit or grab your own wrist and reinforce the gift wrap.

Here is Craig reaching for the gift wrap on Muniz.

Paul Craig vs Andre Muniz

We’re going to discuss a triple attack that is inherent to the gift wrap position.

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