Pickleball, BJJ, and Mainstream Popularity

Pickleball has rocketed past BJJ and MMA's popularity and we're going to figure out why

Do you train Brazilian jiu-jitsu? Want to take better notes, organize your BJJ game, and learn faster? Check out my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Notebook!

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Notebook is a simple system to record classes and techniques so you can access those notes later on all of your devices.

Stop wasting time, take better notes, and be a better grappler.

Hope you like it! Now let’s get to today’s work.

Pickleball, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and Popularity

According to apparently all sources spanning ESPN to NPR, pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the country. What started as a way for all ages of the family to pass time without blowing out their knees and ankles is now a phenomenon. I’m left struggling to understand why.

I get why it’s fun and that’s obviously why so many people flock to it. What I can’t figure out is why so many people want to watch it.

I decided to do a deep dive on the topic and hopefully figure out what BJJ and MMA could learn from Pickleball’s popularity. Bloody Elbow was interested in posting it so you’ll have to read today’s piece here.

Getting my work released by more outlets means I can start working on additional content and partnerships to continue spreading grappling and combat sports. I’m super excited. I’ve got some more exciting personal news as well!

I’m currently in the process of opening a new Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym. We’ll be releasing some rash guards and other merch to support the build out soon. Keep your eyes peeled for those and other ways to support the gym soon.

PS - if you’re interested in seeing some specific content about what goes in to starting a Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym, email me and let me know!

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